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Our partners, cooperations and memberships

Beyond the borders of our school, we work together with many irreplaceable partners who maintain the continuity of our boarding school and who have been supporting both the students and the school for many years and driving its development forward. We are very proud and grateful for this large network of colleagues and friends involved who make Schule Schloss Salem and its worldwide activities so unique.

Our Partners

Salem's Alumni Association, the Altsalemer (ASV)

The Altsalemer Vereinigung (ASV) is Salem's alumni association for all former students. It helps the alumni keep in touch with each other and with the school. It also supports and the Kurt Hahn Foundation, whose chartered mission is to provide the necessary funds for academic scholarships. The association was founded in 1950 and now maintains a worldwide network of more than 4,000 members, 70 percent of whom are under the age of 50. The association supports developments at Schule Schloss Salem both through ideas and funding. The association supported, for example, the building of the new college with a highly successful fundraising campaign.

The association is pleased to assist young Salem graduates who seek contacts abroad or in the first steps of their career. 

Members of the Board

President Karin Gräfin von Strachwitz-Helmstatt
Vice President N.N.
Executive Director N.N.
Treasurer Alexander Özbahadir
Secretary Maximilian A.H. Kaiser
Past-President Dr. Stephan Kloess
President of the Kurt-Hahn-Foundation Dr. Karen Jung
Honorary President Niko Becker
Honorary Members Dr. Bernhard Bueb, Detlef Thiery, Inge Hubert, Dieter Plate, Levin von Wulffen
Logo der Altsalemer Vereinigung

ASV Administrative Office

Heinrich-Böcking-Straße 7
66121 Saarbrücken
Tel. +49 (0) 681 9364610
Fax +49 (0) 681 9364633

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Kurt Hahn Foundation

The Kurt Hahn Foundation helps promote education and instruction at Schule Schloss Salem – above all with the aim of enabling gifted and high-performing children and young people to attend the school irrespective of their parents’ income. 
The Kurt Hahn Foundation was founded in 1984 and is currently run by a seven-member board of directors. It is tax-exempt and authorized to issue receipts for charitable donations. 

Kurt Hahn Foundation 
Commerzbank AG, Essen  
IBAN: DE42 3608 0080 0404 0764 01 


Office Kurt-Hahn-Foundation
c/o Isoplan GbR

Heinrich-Böcking-Str. 7
66121 Saarbrücken
Tel.  +49 681 396 46 35
Fax +49 681 396 46 33

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Friends of Salem

The Friends of Salem Association ("Vereinigung der Förderer der Schule Schloss Salem e.V.") has been supporting the educational mission at Salem, as formulated by Kurt Hahn, since 1925. The association supports projects that cannot be financed through the regular school budget but offer significant educational benefit to students in the present and future.

Examples of the projects supported in recent years include:

  • Major building projects and renovations: Salem Sports Field and Salem's Schrote
  • In classrooms: microscopes, robotic kits, binoculars, author readings, reference books
  • Salem's service groups: fire brigade truck, rescue boat, tents, defibrillators, first aid colls, folding cots
  • Sports instruction and outdoor education: beach volleyball court, fitness room, kayaks, sport jerseys, tents
  • Art and cultural activities: concert piano, drum kit, cajónes, e-book readers, stage curtain
  • In artisan workshops: carpentry benches, saws, sewing machines, photography equipment and digital cameras
  • Travels and international excursions: Model United National conferences, Round Square travel grants, travel costs for scholarship holders

Let's get together!

The association is not only about gather donations. Sharing experiences, keeping up to date with alumni, parents, former parents, and friends of Schule Schloss Salem plays an equally important role. This aspect is a vital part of our get-togethers -- at the members' meeting, the Night of Friends and at the traditional Christmas Dinner.

Donating With Pleasure - And Enjoying Yourself!

You too can support Salem's students by becoming a member of the Friends of Salem Association and enjoying being part of a community of alumni, parents, former parents and friends of the school. Decisions regarding the allocation of funds is made annually at the members' meeting.
Become a member, too, and support us.


Friends of Salem Association - Vereinigung der Förderer der Schule Schloss Salem e.V.
Chairmen: Oliver Fischer and Michael Seitz
Office: Britta Stocker

Schloss Salem | Schlossbezirk 1
88682 Salem
Telefon: +49 (0) 7553 919 500
Fax: +49 (0) 7553 919 380

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Round Square

Round Square is a global network of nearly 200 partner schools on all five continents. These schools follow the educational principles of Kurt Hahn, the co-founder of Schule Schloss Salem, and are dedicated to promoting personal development, cultural exchange and global networking. Salem is one of the seven initiative schools that have brought Round Square to life.

Schule Schloss Salem places great emphasis on developing students into socially engaged, cosmopolitan, curious and empathetic individuals. Salem students learn to take responsibility, to stand up for people in disadvantaged situations, to overcome challenges and to experience adventure and cultural diversity in boarding school life. The aim of this approach is to strengthen the whole personality of the student and to enable individual fulfilment.


Learn more about Round Square

Contact person
Nina Peters

Nina Peters
Round Square Representative, 
Head of International Office

Tel:  +49 7553 919 305
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Salem Kolleg

The Academic Orientation Year at Salem Kolleg

"How Can I Found the Course of Study That Suits Me?"

After passing their final exams, many high school graduates don't know how to decide which course of study will be the right choice. This and other challenging questions will be dealt with at Salem Kolleg in a one-year orientation course of study and careers counseling. Guided by the triad motto "Experience. Understand. Decide" the program is organized in trimesters, during which recent graduates receive intensive support and preparation for their future academic and professional paths.

Studium Generale

Young academics nearing completion of their doctoral programs teach introductory courses at Salem Kolleg in the fields of natural science, social science and humanities while providing  participants insights into interdisciplinary methods of study. From medicine to economics to sociology, chemistry, modern media & marketing - the spectrum is quite wide and offers the ideal chance to discover one's personal strengths and aptitudes. In additional to courses within the Kolleg, participants can attend first semester courses at the University of Konstanz and University of Applied Sciences in Konstanz.

Outdoor Leadership Training, Character Development and a Research Field Trip

In additional to preparing for academic study participants will also have the opportunity to gather valuable practical experience.  Hence a core element of the program is Outdoor Leadership Training. Equally important is the focus on developing character within a close community and strengthening the particular talents and qualifications of each individual. This is made possible through a unique and multi-faceted choice of activities, ranging from theater, choir, language courses, social outreach services, and a research field trip as part of the academic project "Social Reality in Europe".
 The goal of the academic orientation year at Salem Kolleg is very clear. Each participant should discover and develop his or her personal talents and abilities - as a sound basis for making the right decision about the future course of life. In order to enable as many high school graduates as possible to attend Salem Kolleg, scholarships are also offered.

Concept of Salem Kolleg is Based on Three Pillars:


Participants in the program gain experience as members of a special and close community as well as by becoming socially involved.  Outdoor education, leadership training, development of key competencies, independent organization of self-chosen projects and a diversified program of sports help to foster and strength strong personalities.

Outdoor Education
which follows the precepts of Kurt Hahn and Schule Schloss Salem. Intensive encounters with nature, outdoor leadership training and team building contribute to an attitude of  appreciation and mindfulness toward one's self and our natural environment.

Leadership Training
Goal-oriented leadership means setting, following and achieving goals and targets together with others. The result is a strengthening of individual responsibility and self-efficacy.

Developing Key Compentencies
such as emergency first aid, responsible action in crises, rhetorical skills and successful communication, problem analysis, etc.

Independent Project Organization 
is practiced, for example, within the framework project "Social Reality in Europe."

Diversified Sports Program
which includes team sports such as hockey, sailing, soccer and volleyball.


Young academics offer introductory seminars in natural sciences, social sciences and the humanities and act as mentors to the Kolleg's participants:

  • Offering guidance in the use of interdisciplinary methods such as experimental research, statistical analysis, text interpretation or the application of law to concrete cases.
  • Assistance with competing a final paper on an academic topic 
  • Fostering academic skills need for university studies
  • Encouragement of creative learning in the arts (music, theater, film, etc.)

A complete series of counseling opportunities and coaching sessions enables participants to make viable decisions -- for themselves and also for others.

  • Intensive careers counseling with experiences counselors
  • Career development and assessment workshops
  • Decision-making training programs for academic and professional fields
  • INSIGHTS MDI®-Diagnostic Tools for Potential Analysis which facilitate holistic insight into personal behavior, interests, attitudes and values and result in an understanding of one's own potential
  • Application coaching (creating a portfolio, interviewing skills, business etiquette)
  • Cooperative relations with top-ranking universities (e.g., University of Konstanz)
blaues Salem Wappen

Salem Kolleg

Kurt-Hahn-Straße 1
88662 Überlingen
Tel.: +49 7553 919-615

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Our Cooperations

Council of International Schools (CIS)

CIS is a membership community committed to high quality international education.
Our community includes more than 1300 institutions, 736 schools and 618 colleges and universities representing 116 countries.

As a global non-profit membership organization, CIS provides services to primary and secondary schools, higher education institutions and individuals that share these ideals:

  • a desire to provide students with the knowledge, skills and abilities to pursue their lives as global citizens; and
  • a commitment to high quality international education.
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Duke of Edinburgh's International Award

This program is specially intended for young people aged 14 to 25 and encourages social commitment, self-realization, adventure experiences, and the development of personal interests in accordance with Kurt Hahn's educational principles.  Bronze and Silver Badges correspond to prescribed activities in the areas of service, expeditions, talent and fitness. For the Gold Badge the range of activities is broadened to include a further personal project.

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DofE-Video Clip "Discover you"
Model United Nations (MUN)

For many years Salem has offered its students the chance to participate in a unique program of events: the Model United Nations Conference

Preparation and Procedures

The students get to know and understand the complex work of the United Nations through role-playing. Each school represents a UN member country or a UN.
In order to be able to understand the working methods and the structure of UN with its complicated network of organizations, the students work through the highly formalized diplomatic procedures and vocabulary and practice them in role-playing exercises. They also learn how to formulate resolutions.
History, culture, religion, economy, political system and foreign policy: In working groups the students independently research and analyze information about the of the country they are to represent. Their sources are the respective embassies, the internet and the world press, through which the students attentively follow daily political developments. 

Conference Excursion

The MUN conference takes place every year in The Hague for a week in January. This conference is intended primarily for the Upper School, while Middle School students attend a similar conference in Genoa.
Taking into account actual UN resolutions, the topics on the MUN agenda are prepared for from the perspective of the country they represent. Students then meet in commissions and plenary sessions before motions are brought to a vote. The conference is held in English.

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IB World Schools

The IB offers an education for students from age 3 to 19, comprising of four programmes that focus on teaching students to think critically and independently, and how to inquire with care and logic. The IB prepares students to succeed in a world where facts and fiction merge ...

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Outward Bound

Outward Bound Excursions Lead to Self-Discovery.

For many students, Outward Bound excursions are among their key experiences at Salem. Year 9 students leave civilization behind for an eleven-day expedition in the wilds of Norway.  Pushing yourself to your limits, setting yourself challenges and learning that your own actions have consequences not only for you as an individual but for the group as a whole are all central elements of the Outward Bound experience.

Recognizing One's Own Nature

Doing without luxury and consumer goods leads to a much more intensive relationship with the natural world and a heightened sensitivity to the economic use of natural resources. Discovering a spring after a long route march can be a source of pure joy. As one student concluded: “We learnt to manage without the mod cons of everyday life and to appreciate those things we would normally take for granted, even more.”

Costs Energy but Also Gives Strength: Outdoor Experiences

Students sleep in tents, under the open sky.  Students must cook and fend for themselves. One element of the excursion is the so-called “solo”, where each student is left to his or her own resources for 12 to 24 hours. During this experience students write down their thoughts and emotions in a reflective letter. This letter is then sent to them a year later so that they can once again face their Outward Bound experiences while in the midst of daily routines. Participants also keep an expedition journal and share their experiences with their fellow pupils upon their return.

The physical effort demanded of the participants was once tellingly expressed by student at nine o'clock one evening: “Can we go to bed now, please? 


Each student is given personal feedback after the expedition which is also recorded in a report at the end of the school year. 

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Fobizz supports teachers, schools and educational institutions with innovative digital solutions. With more than 300 online courses, AI-based support tools and a wide range of digital teaching materials, fobizz promotes the digital skills of teachers and contributes to a future-oriented educational landscape. Together with fobizz, we are strengthening digital and interactive teaching and preparing our students for the challenges of the modern world".

For more information, please visit fobizz.

Siegel fobizz 2023-2024


Landratsamt Bodenseekreis - Siegel "Gesunde Schule"

Schule Schloss Salem meets the criteria of the Education & Health Working Group and has received an award for several subject areas.
For the award, very good offers, framework conditions and a culture of looking are expected, as well as cooperation with regional cooperation partners.

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Schule + Essen = Note 1

Schule Schloss Salem is the only German boarding school to hold DGE certification for its own full catering. An assessor spent three days inspecting our kitchens according to the guidelines of the German Nutrition Society. The main focus was on the aspects of quality, hygiene and nutritional health. Here we received the grade "very good" four times.

Logo der Initiative Schule + Essen = Note 1


More Cooperations

University Konstanz 
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Schule ohne Rassismus
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Association of German Privat Schools Baden-Württemberg e.V.
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zis foundation for travel grants 
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Germany's strongest brands
Schule Schloss Salem is one of Germany's strongest brands.
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Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW)
With its voluntary membership base of 80,000 trained volunteers, THW is a unique organization established in 1950 within Germany's Federal Ministry of the Interior.    
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The THW Youth is the youth association of the Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW). In almost every local association there is a youth group with girls and boys from the age of ten. Nationwide, around 15,000 young people are active in the organization's youth. 
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German Red Cross
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International Baccalaureate (IB)

Kurt Hahn was not "only" a co-founder of our school, but also one of the educators who helped draft the first internationally accepted high school diploma. Thus the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme has long formed its own very dynamic academic branch at Salem. In recent decades a wide spectrum of subjects and an enormously diverse extracurricular program of mandatory activities has been developed.

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School Network: Blick über den Zaun

The school association "Blick über den Zaun" (Look over the fence) has been linking reform-oriented schools since 1989 in order to pursue school development "from below".The aim of 'Look over the fence' is to contribute to schools directly exchanging experiences with each other and thus learning from each other, stimulating, encouraging and supporting each other through regular mutual visits, through conferences and pedagogical workshops.

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The G30 was founded in 2006. The G30 brings Heads from leading schools together on an annual basis. All participants are encouraged to share their best practice, thoughts, ideas and challenges within a strictly confidential environment.

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