The Round Square Network

A unifying idea across national boundaries

Round Square is a world-wide network of 200 schools on five continents which have been inspired by the ideas of Kurt Hahn, the reform pedagogue and founder of Schule Schloss Salem, to engage in developing character, pursue intercultural exchange and promote international understanding. Salem is one of the seven founding schools of Round Square.

Salem strives to raise its students to be socially committed, open-minded, curious and compassionate individuals. Salem students take on responsibility, engage in service to the disadvantaged and needy, accept challenges, experience adventures and appreciate diversity in the daily lives. Through holistic experiences they can personally develop themselves further.


Round Square stands for International Understanding. This is encouraged, for example, through regular worldwide student exchange programmes, participation in internationally organised social projects and regional and international student conferences.
For Salem internationalism is practiced as a matter of course through the diversity of the student body and educational staff as well as in their bilingual surroundings.


Round Square stands for student participation in democratic processes and the development of a democratic way of thinking. For this reason democratic awareness is fostered and strengthened as an important element in the school community.  In Salem we practice democracy through a strong student government in which students can actively shape student life and experience democracy in their immediate surroundings. Many further activities also incorporate democratic processes.

Environmental Stewardship

Round Square stands for sustainability. Correspondingly schools in the network commit themselves to strengthening environmental awareness among their students through projects and school-wide campaigns. 


Round Square stands for adventure. While growing up students learn through activities and extracurricular projects to accept physical challenges, to go beyond their limits and to learn from these experiences in keeping with the motto of Kurt Hahn, "Plus et en vous" -- "There is more in you than you think..."!
In Salem students in each class year are involved in a particular extracurricular challenge, such as an outdoor week, hut-to-hut hiking, an Outward Bound trip to Norway, etc. Our outdoor programme runs as a central thread throughout the school career. In addition there are voluntary activities such as the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Programme which students can participate in to acquire bronze, silver and gold badges.


Round Square stands for activating and developing leadership qualities. Students at Round Square schools learn that leadership cannot be equated with power, but is rather based on personal responsibility, courtesy, justice, fairness and discipline. By taking on offices and public duties, students at Round Square schools learn what it means to be responsible leaders.


Round Square stands for serving other people. Round Square students help others – even beyond the school boundaries. For each student the weekly schedule includes taking part in a community service at least once a week.  In addition to social outreach services at school, Salem students can take part in aid projects anywhere in the world (e.g. , in St. Petersburg or at the Kutumb project in India, as well as Round Square International Service Projects).  The Round Square service group at Salem conducts fundraising campaigns to collect money for social projects.


International Service-Projects (RSIS)

RSIS projects bring together students from member schools around the world in order to work as a team to support needy communities. Students learn and practice how to lead groups, develop self-confidence in their own abilities and acquire a deeper understanding for the world's challenges and what it means to be a citizen of the world. Their horizons are expanded by working in a multi-national team, and immersing themselves in a country and culture that is often much different to their own.

Global Conferences (RSIC)

Students at all Round Square schools have the opportunity at different ages to participate in regional, national and international conferences. These offer a combination of guest speakers, group discussions, workshops, cultural excursions, social service and adventure activities. They are excellent opportunities for personal development, broadening intercultural understanding and forming the basis for life-long friendships.

Worldwide Exchanges

Round Square schools offer students and teachers the opportunity to take part in a worldwide exchange programme. This is an excellent opportunity to develop a better understanding of other countries, gain self-confidence and develop personal abilities. The exchanges between schools are arranged on a flexible basis and available to students in the middle school.

Round Square services in Salem

Our Round Square services organise many kinds of fundraising activities in order to support Salem's projects in Petershof and Kutumb, to finance school scholarships for orphans in Nairobi, Kenya, and to support the Discovery Fund through which the International Service Projects (RSIS) are funded.

Contact person
Nina Peters

Nina Peters
Round Square Representative, 
Head of International Office

Tel:  +49 7553 919 305
Send email