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Our Boarding School Life

Far more than a communal residence

Schule Schloss Salem is a place with a unique character. Here, young people of all ages experience those things that make for lasting and viable community life. In other words, by living with one another in a group, students become acquainted with life in a multifaceted society.

A unique community

Schüler und Mentor auf dem Münstervorplatz der Schule Schloss Salem

Daily life in our boarding school is shaped by rules and practices which have been developed in a democratic process. For each year group there is an age-appropriate constitution. The core values are mutual respect and the readiness to take on responsibility for the benefit of the community. A wide range of elected offices, committees and tasks make up the institutional framework of student self-governance and co-determination.

Living at boarding school

Schülerzimmer Schule Schloss Salem: Mädchenflügel

Students live in dormitory wings - separated by gender - in two to four-bed rooms. Students in the Upper School share two-bed rooms. Four to six rooms make up a wing, which is supervised by a Mentor (or, in the Upper School, a Tutor) who lives adjacent to the students' wing. Salem's pedagogical dormitory staff live full-time on campus and are, in general, also teachers. Hence, the close interaction between living and learning at Salem is reflected in the dual roles of many staff members.

Classroom learning is not everything...

Schulband der Schule Schloss Salem

By tradition the (obligatory) program of Salem's boarding school includes numerous fields for learning and activity outside of the actual classroom setting. 
These include:

  • Social services
  • Creative arts and crafts (muses)
  • Handicrafts (guilds)
  • Sports (especially team sports)
  • International student exchanges
  • Outdoor education
  • Leisure activities (particularly in the evenings and at weekends).

Salem offers room for faith and spirituality

Firmung am Standort Schule Schloss Salem
  • Weekly morning prayer
  • Services for the entire school community at the beginning of the school year
  • Services in Salem at Christmas, Easter and the end of school year
  • Pastoral care
  • Room of silence
  • Confirmation