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Aufbaugymnasium 10PLUS
Another way to the Abitur
The Aufbaugymnasium 10PLUS follows the educational guidelines of the state of Baden-Württemberg for a secondary education curriculum which – by building on a middle-school certificate – enables a student to achieve the German Abitur, its general higher education entrance qualification, in three years.
In the second and third years the programme is identical with the two-year Kursstufe system of a general Gymnasium. But the central feature is its first year, grade 10PLUS. All students whose previous educational paths do not enable them to enter immediately into the two-year system will have the opportunity to achieve the prerequisites for doing so.
- German Realschulen
- Common or comprehensive seconday schools
- Rudolf Steiner Waldorf schools
- Foreign high schools
- Schools in another German federal state with a nine-year Gymnasium
- Schools in another German federal state analog the German Realschule
The choice of subjects and the syllabus of instruction conform to the guidelines of the state of Baden-Württemberg. Additionally, intensive tutoring in the subjects of German, Mathematics and English is provided. The general Abitur requires a student to learn a second foreign language. When previously begun, a foreign language will be continued; otherwise it is introduced in a late-beginner‘s foreign language course. For the final three years Salem offers Spanish, which students take together in one class.
At Schule Schloss Salem the Aufbaugymnasium 10PLUS is not merely adopting well-tried methods of instruction. Integrated within boarding school life in the upper school, this new branch will be a part of Salem‘s unique, holistic education programme, which has always revolved around the guiding principle of „educating to take responsibility.“
Students of the Aufbaugymnasium 10PLUS will reside and pursue daily activities in Spetzgart Castle, the site of Salem‘s upper school. Here they will be members of an international school community. Included in the „core requirements“ is participation in at least one of Salem‘s social services and in sports activities. As participants in the system of student self governance each individual can become actively involved through various elected offices and thereby bear decisive responsibility for the school community.
Through the interplay of classroom instruction and boarding school life, the Aufbaugymnasium 10PLUS is much more than a hinge between a middle-school certificate and the upper school‘s Kursstufe. Students will instead experience a well-designed and demanding school year of broad scope in which they can fully develop their cognitive, practical, personal and social competencies. As a result, students will leave this carefully conceived school programme as valued, well-developed individuals of sound, sustainable character.

Sebastian Laur
Team management 10PLUS
Online Information Event
Dr Ulrike Niederhofer from our Admissions Department will be giving a 45-minute presentation on the life and learning of our 10PLUS students and the special features of our Aufbaugymnasium. Please note that the presentation will be in German.