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Organizational Structure of Schule Schloss Salem

Schule Schloss Salem e.V.

Sponsorship and legal form of Schule Schloss Salem and the Salem Kolleg:

Schule Schloss Salem and the Salem Kolleg as an independent operating company are supported by the non-profit association "Schule Schloss Salem e.V.", chaired by Till Schreiter. The board of the association also acts as a supervisory board for Schule Schloss Salem gGmbH and the Salem College.

The management of Schule Schloss Salem gGmbH is designed as a collegial body and consists of Mr Henrik Fass as Headmaster and Mr Thomas Obitz as Business Manager. The managing director of Salem Kolleg is Mr Thomas Obitz.

Board of trustees

Members of the board of trustees:

  • Bernhard Markgraf von Baden (Chairman) 
  • Dr. Nicola Leibinger-Kammüller 
  • Dr. August Oetker 
  • MP a.D. Günther H. Oettinger 
  • Bettina Würth 
Schule Schloss Salem e.V.

Schule Schloss Salem is sponsored by Schule Schloss Salem e.V., a legally registered private association, which currently has 40 members.

The Board of Governors is currently composed as follows:

Chairman: Till Schreiter

Treasurer: Dr. Constantin Beier

Secretary: Nicola Dietzsch-Doertenbach

Committee Member: Axel Feldmann

Gruppenfoto Internatsverein (Vorstand)

Honorary Chairman of the Salem Association:
Prof. Dr. h.c. Robert Leicht

Association members are currently:
Dorothee von Bardeleben, Curtis Briggs, Gesa Curtius-Stollenwerk, Hans-Joachim Danzer, Axel Graf Douglas, Dr. med. Susanne Driessen, Dr. Albert Dürr, Axel Feldmann, Prof. Dr. Jochen Frowein, Christian Kienzle, Dr. Stephan Kloess, Otto Lamotte, Dr. Nicola Leibinger-Kammüller, Prof. Dr. h.c. Robert Leicht, Isolde Liebherr, Regine Lorenz, Dr. Detlef Mäder, Dr. Peter Michaelis,  Carolina Müller-Möhl, Eva Nourney, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stephan Reimelt, Rudolf von Sandersleben, Dr. Alfred Schefenacker, Wolf-Henning Scheider, Robert Schöttle, Astrid Schulte, Dr. Dankwart von Schultzendorff, Daniela Seemann, Stefan Soiné, Prof. Dr. Sascha Spoun, Selina Stihl, Detlef Thiery, Raimund Wilhelmi, Andreas Zeiser-Radtke, Dr. Reinhard Zinkann.

Parents' council

Schule Schloss Salem has a highly dedicated Parents' Council which works closely with the administration and various committees in the school. It focuses primarily on encouraging communication between school and parents through a variety of means.

The Parents' Council will gladly consult with interested parents before they make the decision to enroll their child at Salem.

The tasks of the  parents' council and its charter are available for download here.

Gruppenfoto des Elternbeirats der Schule Schloss Salem 2024/25

Three external committees have supported the work at the school for decades, and have thus contributed considerably towards Salem's success.

Contact Person
Brigitte von Hoyningen-Huene

Brigitte von Hoyningen-Huene
Assistant to the Headmaster
Henrik Fass

Tel.: + 49 7553 919 - 354
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