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During School Time

Career Counselling at Salem

Two experienced career counsellors, Dr. Günter Klause and Sam Merlin, advise students at Schule Schloss Salem in choosing their future career paths. In addition, the Salem network of teachers, parents, alumni and outside experts is happy to provide advice and support.

Career counselling begins in Year 9 and follows a clearly defined goal: each and every student should be prepared to make success-oriented decisions about the future in full awareness of his or her individual interests and abilities.

To this end, our students receive continual preparation at three levels to guide them toward a career path upon leaving school:

  • Counselling: personal interviews and support in drawing up applications 
  • Self-exploration: stimulating exercises for reflection upon strengths, weaknesses, interests, values and goals
  • Information: workshops, seminars, preparation and registration for on-campus PSAT and SAT tests 
Get in touch
Dr. Günter Klause | Latein, Russisch, Psychologie, Laufbahnberatung Jahrgangsstufe 11 & 12

Dr. Günter Klause
Careers Counselling Coordinator
Teacher: Latin, Russian, Psychology

Tel. +49 7553 919-630 
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Sam Merlin

Sam Merlin
Careers Counselling (international)
IB Teacher: French, Spanish

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After School Time in Salem

The Altsalemer Alumni Network

The alumni network of Altsalemer (ASV) is an association of former Salem students from all class years. It encourages lively contact between alumni and active interaction with the school. Furthermore ASV supports the Kurt Hahn Foundation, whose mission is to ensure the funding of academic scholarships. The ASV was founded in 1950 and today maintains a worldwide network of more than 4000 alumni. 70 percent of its members are under 50 years of age. Additionally the association supports the school's development with conceptual and financial input. For example, it supported the construction of the Salem College campus with an exceptionally successful fundraising campaign.

The ASV is also happy to assist recent graduates of Salem who seek to make professional contacts or travel abroad.

Logo der Altsalemer Vereinigung

ASV Administrative Office

Heinrich-Böcking-Straße 7
66121 Saarbrücken
Tel. +49 (0) 681 9364610
Fax +49 (0) 681 9364633

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In each Salem magazine, a former pupil introduces himself or herself and reports on their time at Salem and the rest of their life. Further portraits and reports from alumni can be found on our alumni page.

Alumni: Knut Bergmann Leiter Kommunikation und Hauptstadtbüro bei Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft

Knut Bergmann
Head of Communications and Capital Office at the German Economic Institute
Salem Magazin No. 89

Alumni: Charlotte Mohn Project Officer bei IOM - UN Migration

Charlotte Mohn
Project Officer at IOM - UN Migration
Salem Magazin No. 88

Alumni: Dr. Ran Huo Mitarbeiterin Strategische Kommunikation im Präsidialamt

Dr Ran Huo
Strategic Communications Officer at the President's Office
Salem Magazin No. 86

After school - Before studying

The orientation year at Salem Kolleg

"What lies in store after you've passed all your exams?" Many school-leavers don't yet know how to decide what area of studies is right for them. These and other challenging questions are taken up at Salem Kolleg, a one-year academic and career orientation programme for secondary school graduates. Under the motto "Experience. Understand. Decide" the programme is structured in trimesters and offers intensive guidance in decision-making and a solid preparation for subsequent academic studies or professional training.

To discover and develop one's abilities forms the basis for making the right decisions about one's future path in life. In order to ensure that as many applicants as possible can participate, scholarships for Salem Kolleg are made available every year.

The Salem College is aimed primarily at students who have not completed their Abitur in Salem.
Salem pupils already receive comprehensive advice for the time after their Abitur through career counselling in the upper school.

Further information on the Salem College.

blaues Salem Wappen

Salem Kolleg

Kurt-Hahn-Straße 1
88662 Überlingen
Tel.: +49 7553 919-615

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