As an educational institution of the Federation of Hessian Business Associations, the Bildungswerk was founded in 1972 and has been pursuing the goal of vocational training ever since. Their primary aim is to open up individual opportunities, ensure entrepreneurial success and assume social responsibility. These wide-ranging objectives require activity in many different fields of business.
In keeping with our current topic of labour markets, Mr. Weber was able to give us a more detailed insight into active labour market policy through his many years of experience in this field. He focussed particularly on the successful integration of people of different origins, ages and living situations into the German labour market. We students were also able to pick up on classroom topics such as Industry 4.0, AI and Miss-Match unemployment through the interactive lecture and ask specific questions at the end.
Overall, the lecture was an interesting opportunity to gain an insight into real labour market policy. It was definitley worthwhile for us that Ms Schol had organise this event! It made a key topic of the written Abitur more tangible. In addition, the topic of active labour market policy will become more and more important in the future due to the increasing shortage of skilled workers. We would therefore like to thank Mr Weber once again for his time.