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Career Counselling

in our upper school

Two experienced career counsellors, Dr. Günter Klause and Sam Merlin, advise students at Schule Schloss Salem regarding their future career paths. Furthermore, members of the Salem network - teachers, parents, alumni, and other experts - are available to offer advice and assistance.

Career counselling begins in grade 9 and follows a clearly defined goal: each student should become aware of his or her individual skills and interests and be able to make realistic decisions regarding his or her own future endeavors.

Students are provided continual in-put at three levels in preparation for embarking on their chosen path upon leaving school:

  • Counselling
  • Self-Discovery
  • Information


Decision-making Guidance and Information

A state-sponsored training program held at Salem for identifying goals and making decisions regarding career-training and university study.

Career Information Day
Students are given the opportunity inform themselves in detail about a selection of professions. Parents and alumni participate in information sessions which help students compare their ideas of those careers with real-life cases and situations.

Information about European Universities
Students are given general information and, whenever possible, meet with representatives of national and foreign universities who make visits to the Salem campus.

Regular individual counseling throughout school Ages ; Support in focusing on a study program or apprenticeship and in finding appropriate University ; Support in preparing university applications for German and foreign universities

Tests and Applications

The Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) is a standardized test offered by a U.S. organization and measures academic skills in the areas of critical reading, mathematics and writing. The test provides students in Ages 10 feedback about their performance level and familiarizes them with the SAT test format.

SAT Test
Participation in the SAT test is usually required as part of the application process for U.S. universities.

During German lessons in the IB system students receive preparation for this centrally administered test of German as a Foreign language, which is required by all German universities.

Application and Admission Procedures for all Universities
We support our students during the university application process which - especially for universities abroad - may involve very complex and demanding procedures.

Dr. Günter Klause | Latein, Russisch, Psychologie, Laufbahnberatung Jahrgangsstufe 11 & 12

Dr. Günter Klause
Career Counselling Abitur, Head of Department Latin
Teacher: Latin, Russian, Psychology

Tel. +49 7553 919-630 
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Sam Merlin

Sam Merlin
Head of Department Careers Counselling 
IB Teacher: Modern Foreign Languages

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