The evolution of the Salem logo
A look at the Changes over Time
The new communication strategy for Schule Schloss Salem is an essential part of the comprehensive and long-term branding and visioning process. This includes the visual implementation of the "Salem" brand, both internally and externally. The Salem logo plays a central role in this process.

Badge of Schule Schloss Salem, 1920

Design drawn by Hermann Freudenberg, 1936

Design by Detlef Kulessa, 1998

Design by Detlef Kulessa with circle and the word "Salem

Figurative mark with circle and word mark "Salem" together form a new logo

Rebrush of the logo, 2020
Over the years, our logo has changed, similar to other big brands. It began with a badge from Schule Schloss Salem in 1920 and was further developed by Hermann Freudenberg in 1936. Two new designs by Detlef Kulessa followed in 1998. One of the two designs contained a circle element and the word "Salem". Later, the word "Salem" was removed from the design and placed as a separate word mark next to the logo. As a result, the circle lost its function.
As part of the 2020 rebrush, the leading lines within the crest and the circle, which was no longer needed, were removed. These changes should not be seen as a redesign, but rather as a streamlining and updating of the logo.
It is important to emphasise that these visual changes should be understood in the context of Schule Schloss Salem's vision and branding process. In all decisions and developments relating to the brand essence, we take into account both the dynamic present and the great history of Schule Schloss Salem. This process serves as an orientation and structural basis for a successful future for the school community.