Visit to Schweizer Zucker AG
by Constanze Driessen, Abi 1
The Abi 1 and Abi 2 chemistry "Leistungskurse" visited a sugar factory of Schweizer Zucker AG in Frauenfeld (Switzerland) on the 24. November 2021.

The expedition gave us a detailed insight into sugar production. We were taken on a tour of the entire site and were able to admire first-hand the hard work and enormous quantities of sugar that are produced.
Our tour was led by a former employee who offers these tours to schools on a voluntary basis. He precisely explained the path from the sugar beet to the white granulated sugar that we find in our supermarkets at the end.


After the beets were delivered from the farms and washed, we could closely observe how they were processed into beet pulp, boiled down and chemically cleaned. The resulting thin juice was then boiled down in several stages to increase the sugar content. Finally, a little bit of already crystallised sugar was fed into the container to start the crystallisation process. The resulting brown sugar now only had to be centrifuged to remove the remaining syrup and turn it into white sugar.

Even though the process of sugar development is only partly related to chemistry, it was definitely an exciting experience to see such a factory and its production up close.
