Online-Registration for Salem International Summer School

Years: 14-16 | Main campus language: English

We are very pleased that you have chosen our Salem International Summer School. Please complete the form below to register your child.
After we have received your registration, we will confirm your participation by e-mail. (Please note: The confirmation directly after sending the registration form is not yet a confirmation of participation, but only information that the registration has been received.)

If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch!

Get in touch
Natalie Lander, Ansprechpartnerin Summer Schools

Natalie Lander
Head of Salem International Summer Schools

Tel.: + 49 7553 919 - 490
Send email


Student's Personal Details
First Name *
Last Name *
Preferred Name
Gender *
Date of Birth ( *
Age in July 2025: Years *
Months *
Nationality *
Current school & year *
Photo *

Previous Summer Schools

Has your child attended one of our Salem International Summer Schools in the past? *

If yes, please select which one(s):

Summer Camp: 9-11 years in Salem
Summer School: 12-14 years in Salem
International Summer School: 14-16 years in Spetzgart

Language skills

Mother tongue *
Other languages spoken (in order of fluency) *
How long have you been learning German for by July 2025? *
Level of knowledge: *
How long have you been learning English for by July 2025? *
Level of knowledge: *

Contact details

Parents first and last name *
Street and house number *
Postal code *
City *
Country *
Telephone 1 (parents) *
Telephone 2 (student) *
E-Mail *
Language of correspondence *
Language Courses (Morning)

General Information

The main language of our Salem International Summer School is ENGLISH. All daily information, announcements etc. are in English. It is therefore a requirement that all applicants have had a minimum of 3 years of English lessons at school and are able to understand information in English. This applies to all students, not just those applying for our English course. There is no minimum requirement for German.

All students sit a placement test in their chosen language of study on the day after arrival. The results are used to allocate the teaching groups.


All students will be taught a variety of written and oral skills, including grammar, listening comprehension, literature, composition and business English in ability differentiated groups.


Beginner - Students will be taught basic German language skills, with a focus on conversation.

Intermediate - Challenging and engaging reading material and discussion topics will help students to improve their German grammar and widen their vocabulary.

Advanced - Through the study of German literature, students will be encouraged to compose essays and articles on different topics. This course is particularly helpful for German students living abroad who need to improve their written German skills.

Language Choice

Please choose either English or German. It is not possible to take both language courses!

Choice for Language Course: *
Afternoon Activities

Please choose four of the twelve following activities via the dropdown fields below. You will be allocated two, one for each week.


Develop your acting skills with our experienced Theatre Director and perform on stage at our Final Evening Production. Beginners and experienced actors are encouraged to participate - challenge yourself!

Art & Design

Here students can discover and develop their artistic talents. The course leader is an experienced artist and teacher, who will introduce students to a variety of media and techniques, working both in the classroom and outdoors.

Ball Sports

Each afternoon you will have the opportunity to play a different ball sport e.g. hockey, football, basketball, dodge ball, tennis, volleyball, with our enthusiastic Leaders.


Students will learn the entire process of designing, creating, decorating and firing their own unique clay sculptures, which they can take home at the end of Summer School.


This very popular course takes place under the guidance of highly qualified and experienced trainers at the excellently equipped climbing hall in nearby Radolfzell. No experience is necessary, but students should be physically fit and have no fear of heights!


Join our enthusiastic Dance Teacher and other creative students, to have fun choreographing and rehearsing dances for the Final Evening Show. All levels and styles of dance are welcome (hip hop, ballet, street, jazz, classical, etc.), beginners too!


Showcase your musical skills as a member of the 'Summer School Band' in preparation for performing at the Final Evening Production. Singers and musicians are welcome.

Outdoor Adventure

This is the best choice for students who are in excellent physical shape. Mountain biking, kayaking and a visit to a local high ropes course are just a few of the activities offered in this rigorous and challenging outdoor programme.

Outdoor Leisure

This is the perfect activity for anyone who likes to spend time outdoors without working up too much of a sweat! Our leaders offer a leisurely programme of swimming, walking and visiting local tourist and cultural attractions.


Improve your technical and practical sailing skills with our qualified leaders at our own harbour on Lake Constance. You must be a good swimmer, confident and capable of swimming in a lake. Previous dinghy sailing experience is preferable, but not essential.


Tennis players can train their skills and play on our astroturf courts at our nearby Härlen campus. Our experienced coaches can help beginners, intermediate and advanced players to develop their game. The highlight at the and of each week will be a final tournament!

Water Sports

Water Sports mixes fun and sport in a programme which takes place mainly out on the lake. It includes a variety of activities including kayaking, water-skiing, and swimming. You must be a capable and confident swimmer and not afraid to swim in the lake.

Choice for Afternoon Activities

Please indicate your first, second, third and fourth choices. Wherever possible we will allocate your first and second choices, but unfortunately we cannot always guarantee this.

Please note: All four choices must be different!

Please allow your child to choose their own activities. Experience tells us that when students, rather than parents, choose their activities more enjoyment is had and less problems occur.

First choice for Afternoon Activities: *
Second choice for Afternoon Activities: *
Third choice for Afternoon Activities: *
Fourth choice for Afternoon Activities: *

Additional questions (ONLY for Music and Sailing)

If you have chosen Music or Saling please answer the following questions:


Please give further details of your sailing experience / qualifications etc.


Please tell us if you are a singer or which instrument you play:
Can you bring it with you?
Weekend Excursions

Please choose three of the six options via the dropdown fields below.

Bodensee Experience

Enjoy the natural beauty of Lake Constance (Bodensee) and a cultural visit to the historical university town of Konstanz and the castle of Meersburg.

Cycling Tour

Enjoy the varied landscape of the Lake Constance region, and visiting various towns and attractions, on this fun cycling trip.


This is a more physically demanding excursion involving 4-5 hours of hiking each day in a high altitude terrain.


Have fun spending time on Lake Constance whilst enjoying the beautiful scenery from your kayak. You must be a confident, capable swimmer and not afraid to swim in the lake.

Rock Climbing (Can only be chosen if you have chosen Climbing as an Afternoon Activity!)

Students who attend the Climbing Afternoon Activity in week 1 can enjoy a real rock climbing experience at the weekend. Accompanied by our experienced and trained experts, students will have the opportunity to use their newly acquired skills in more challenging surroundings.

Sailing (Can only be chosen if you have chosen Sailing as an Afternoon Activity!)

Students who take part in the Sailing Afternoon Activity in week 1 have the opportunity to experience Lake Constance from a sailor's perspective teaming up for fun days out onboard the Jollen.

Choice for Weekend Excursions

Please indicate your first, second and third choices.

Please note: First, second and third choice must be different!

Please allow your child to choose their own excursions. Experience tells us that when students, rather than parents, choose their excursions more enjoyment is had and less problems occur.

First choice for Weekend Excursion: *
Second choice for Weekend Excursion: *
Third choice for Weekend Excursion: *
Final Evening Production

Parents and guests are invited to join us!

All Summer School participants take part in this highlight of our time together. You will spend time preparing during week 2, so it may mean missing some of your other Afternoon Activities. Please indicate two areas you would like to be involved in. This is to help us with planning. Final choice(s) and allocation will be made during week 1 after an information event where the roles will be more fully explained.

First Choice for Final Evening Production: *
Second choice for Final Evening Production: *
Further information


All students will receive a Salem International Summer Schools T-shirt - boys regular cut, girls slim fit.

T-shirt size (adult) *

Family & Friends

Is a family member or friend also applying to one of our Salem Summer Programmes? *
First Name
Last Name
First Name
Last Name
If yes: Which one?


In order to complete your application, we kindly ask you to answer a few questions about yourself. You will find the 'Questionnaire' document in the download section below. Please scan it and email it to us within a week of submitting your application, thank you.


I have read the information about the questionnaire. *


We found out about the Salem International Summer Schools via: *

Conditions of Acceptance

* Enrolment will not be finalised until fees have been paid and the signed contract returned.
* The student must take out full medical and travel insurance.
* Evidence of full vaccination against measles or proof of immunity due to previous infection is required (according to German law since 01.03.2020).
* We must be informed about any special conditions for participants (diet, medical etc.).
* First choice of activities cannot be guaranteed.
* We reserve the right to cancel any activities or alter the venue of the programme as circumstances dictate (e.g. poor weather, lack of participants, guidelines of the health department etc.).
* Possession or consumption of alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, e-cigarettes or other smoking devices is strictly forbidden and will lead to expulsion.


I hereby apply for admission to the Salem International Summer School 2025 and untertake to abide by the Conditions of Acceptance as set out above. *

Data Protection Declaration

I agree that my personal data may be stored for further contact, but for a maximum period of 36 months. This consent can be revoked at any time by Schule Schloss Salem (by letter post, e-mail or fax). I have read the information on data protection. *