St. Nicholas Dinner Enjoyed in a Festive Ambience
Fine food, a beautifully decorated dining hall, and the conferment of Salem Pins were the ingredients of the traditional banquet on December 6th.

As pupils we all looked forward to the traditional St. Nicholas Dinner on December 6, 2021, because this is the one occasion of the year when our teachers and mentors wait our tables, and also because we can wear our own dresses or suits instead of the official school uniform. As a result of the pandemic restrictions, grades 5 through 8 celebrated separately in a smaller dining room this year, while grades 9 and 10 gathered in the school’s main dining hall. Both the halls and the tables were especially beautifully decorated. The banquet included a main course of meat and potatoes and a pudding for dessert.

After a musical interlude and short speeches by the Middle School’s head of boarding, Stefan Steinebach, and our school speakers Luca and Elisa, all students who hold a position of responsibility received their red Salem Pin. In addition, the black Salem Pin was conferred the first time on the pupils currently holding the key leadership positions which make up the so-called “G6“. It consists of the two school speakers, the service speaker, council speaker, helper speaker and the academic council speaker.

Skyler Reseck, 9E1
